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This is the back-end site of the main site addressed to the public at this address (note that at present, June 2024, the front-end is not yet online) and meant as a collaborative platform where to write and moderate articles.

Articles, whatever field they belong to, and whatever their political or scientific bias (inevitable, inasmuch as the details are always distinguished from an overall view) have to comply with an acceptable level of quality and they don't have to be misleading, that is aimed at reaching whatever purpose behind the explicit topic of the article itself.

Anyone can write on, first creating an account, then registering either an article, or an article review, through the form News article, and the form News digest, but currently only articles which comply with the rule stated above will be published: even if, as editorial staff, we don't plan to moderate the articles one by one, instead, we grant permissions to the authors, writers or journalists we believe deserving, of course independently by their political beliefs and opinions over specific subjects.

Finally (for all other clarifications and details see the sections below) as long as enjoys some income even indirectly related to the contents posted on the site, through advertising (if allowed on the site), donations, grants, and other kind of income, those will be shared with all the authors and "users" of the site who did a significant contribution: where the word "significant" is designated by the entire community of our initiative.

Who can publish on ?
Why the contents are moderated?

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